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For the turn of countless seasons, Gaardians have dreamed a dream of beard butter, scented in the seasons as is the way of the goods of the Apothecary of Beardsgaard, and they have often spoken of those dreams to us.

We have always replied with: "No, are you nuts? Do you know how labor intensive that stuff is to make?!" But then a whisper on the breeze spoke, "Aye, but what if you did a one-off sorta thing? We can do a limited edition single seasonal run, surely." At which point the gremlins that run our meat suits shouted, "AND CANDLES!"

So here we are. Each season we will launch a new scent for a new season, but Mossmoor is the first. Only 50 candles and 100 butters in this scent will EVER be made, don't miss getting yours!

1 product found in Mossmoor Limited Edition Spring Scent

Mossmoor • Wood Wick Candle • Limited Edition
  • $36.00
