Sean {Barber}


Tri-County Yo-Yo Champ '93. Father to a tiny human and kitty cat. Does actually speak. Quite tall.

ABOUT: Before he met us, Sean had not met a barber in...well, maybe ever. Then he walked into Beardsgaard. Next thing you know, he had a few feet less hair, more beard somehow, ever after only stayed away long enough to get properly shaggy to be a haircut model.

And that he has done profusely, for us in the shop, for Blademaiden on the internet and in Reuzel classes, and for some of the best barbers on the planet. Apparently, while sitting in up close on a ridiculous amount of professional cutting classes and wearing the awesome results everyday in his office life drafting job, he caught a little something. The barber bug.

Sean left the cube life behind to hunt the most dangerous prey of all... cowlicks. Some of us here know how crazy it feels to change careers in their 30s with a family at home (then of course, along came a global pandemic), but from his first day, we knew he had found his forever job. He's seriously stupid good at this, even if you have to ask him a couple of times to take your beard shorter. It's one of his two true weaknesses. The other one is a round of limbo.

FAVORITE THINGS: Things that go vroom (motorcycles and classic cars), things that go yum (brandy, scotch, burgers, tacos), things that make his heart go squish (family and animals), and the things he now gets an employee discount on (oil-based pomades, River Peak Apothecary and Captain Fawcett products).

FANDOMS: A classic Beardsgaard trifecta, fantasy, sci-fi, B-Movies, and Boglins.

SPECIALTIES: Since his very first day, Sean took to barbering like a duck's ass to pomade. Being perhaps the most internet famous face we have here, he got popular quick, as so many of the barbers of Beardsgaard do. His haircuts are classic and perfectly groomed, his product knowledge is deep (he was one of our biggest buyers before he even started working here) and his shaves are incredibly gentle. His beards are, as might be predicted, epic, and if there's anyone you will be sure won't take off too much, it's this guy.